Fresh drinking water is used in abundance and for all purposes in the Netherlands. An average person uses 120 litres of fresh drinking water per day, of which 35 litres is used for flushing the toilet. SUPERLOCAL households use sustainable sanitation technologies that save water and make resource recovery on site possible. 

Source Separation

Every type of waste stream has its own possible values to be reclaimed. However, when all waste streams are disposed in one, single sewage system, the valuable resources are diluted while the water itself is too dirty to be recovered. Hence, in SUPERLOCAL the dirty water is separated from the cleaner streams of water. Water from showers, sinks and washing machines is collected in a standard ‘grey water’ sewage system. Toilet- and food waste is both collected in a vacuum sewage system. We call this waste stream ‘black water’.

Water saving toilets

Water-saving toilets use only one litre per flush, instead of seven litres per flush. They save up to 85% of fresh water compared to a standard toilet. This way, the valuable waste streams of faecal matter and urine – which include nutrients like phosphor and nitrate – is less diluted and can therefore be recovered on site. The water-saving toilets use only this limited volume of water since they are connected to a vacuum sewage system which sucks the waste and water away. The toilets have been optimized for residential areas. For more about the toilets and usage instructions, click here. Link<pdf pagina over gebruik>

Food waste disposers

Residents in the dwellings located on the ground floor have a second sink in their kitchen. Below this sink, a food waste grinder is installed which makes food waste and dirty odours history. Kitchen waste is grinded and subsequently added to the black water stream in the vacuum sewage system. The food grinders in SUPERLOCAL use less water in order to prevent dilution of the valuable resource stream. This technology makes sustainable behaviour easy, clean and cheaper for residents.

Shared services

On the ground floor of the high-rise building, shared services are developed. This includes a coffee corner, meeting rooms and shared water cycle services, such as a large shared food grinder which, can grind up to 10 litres of food waste in just one click. Furthermore, a shared laundrette is connected to the coffee corner. This way, residents can meet each other while doing their laundry, adding a social element. During the project, experiments will be conducted in which grey water of the laundrette is recirculated by treating the water and subsequently redelivering it back to the shared laundrette.

Experiencing innovations...

If you are interested in experiencing these household technologies, you can visit one of the three experimental dwellings on the SUPERLOCAL site. Here you can experience the water-saving toilets, food waste grinders and recirculation showers. At the moment, only these three dwellings are equipped with this novel technology, which also includes reusing heat and water for showering under a plentiful stream of water. 



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Visit the SUPERLOCAL site and watercycle from behind your desk. You can enter households, walk in the construction site and watch different videos...